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Showing posts from October, 2022

Our ESG Agenda for Fall 2022/Winter 2023

1. We are working on an initiative linking ongoing student efforts to environmental issues . Given financial institution financing of fossil fuels and regulatory support for this, we think the young should decide. Should we stop? How? What should we do instead?  2. Food. Creating an impactful effort. Actually finance stores. See/link food activists and Foodbuy. 3. Housing. We have outlined a demonstration project linking tiny housing in DC to investment banks and money managers. (Doesn't Musk have a company in this field ?) Suggest HUD buy a bunch of these, set them up somewhere in DC, but avoid just creating a tiny ghetto.....  4. Strategic approach to BLM/Minority Bank investments. What's the social return on investment?  5. Black Maternal Mortality. and

BrightTALK: Tackling Economic Inequality With ESG By Matt Weinstock, ESG Intern, American University

       On October 5th, 2022, San Francisco based media company BrightTALK hosted a panel on the importance of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance investing), and to discuss the importance of not viewing Eastern economies through a Western lens. The all-female panel included the host, Georgina Mitchell from WellHouse Consulting, panelist Delilah Rothenberg, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Predistribution Initiative, and panelist Teboho Makhabane, ESG and Impact Implementation Specialist from Sanlam Investments. The discussion touched upon many important topics, and provided insights into many aspects of the global economy. One of these concerned economic inequality. The panelists, Ms. Rothenberg in particular, expressed her belief that there are many reasons aside from morality that a large corporation might be incentivized to promote economic equality. She implied that a healthy lower and middle class is beneficial to any economy, which, in turn, is ...

바이든의 chip4 동맹의 제안 : 한국의 입장은?

      한국 정부는 Chip 4 동맹 때문에 곤경에 처해 있습니다 . 바이든 미국 대통령은 Chip4 동맹에 2,800 억 달러 규모의 법안에 서명했고 , 이제 본격적으로 반도체를 밀어붙이겠다는 입장입니다 . 미국은 중국을 견제하기 위해 Chip4 동맹을 만들 것입니다 . 대한민국도 Chip4 가입을 제안했지만 , 대한민국은 Chip4 동맹 예비회의에 참석하겠다고 밝혔지만 , 한편으로는 대한민국이 Chip4 가입을 결정한 것은 아니다며 선을 그었습니다 . 미국은 진퇴양난에 빠진 한국을 말합니다 . 당신은 Chip4 에 가입하기를 원하나요 , 원하지 않나요 ? 그럼 Chip4 동맹이 무엇인지 , 그리고 대한민국이 어떻게 미국과 중국 사이에 갈등을 빚을 수밖에 없는지 , 그리고 한국이 이 두 나라 사이에서 어떤 태도를 취해야 하는지 짚어보겠습니다 . Chip4 는 미국이 구상하고 있는 사실상의 기술 동맹입니다 . 여기서 Chip 은 반도체 , 4 는 미국 , 한국 , 대만 , 일본을 의미하며 , 동맹에 참여할 4 개국입니다 . 요약하자면 , Chip4 는 미국이 제안한 4 개국 반도체 공급 동맹입니다 . 그렇다면 왜 4 개의 나라가 있을까요 ? Chip4 를 가장 먼저 선도한 미국은 반도체 설계 기술 결함이 강점이면서 수많은 특허를 보유하고 있습니다 . 원천기술은 대부분 미국 소유인데 미국은 반도체 팹리스 설계에서 상당한 강자인 반면 반도체 파운드리 생산에서는 매우 약하다는 게 약점입니다 . 한국과 대만에서 주조 공장은 단단히 고정되어 있습니다 . 대조적으로 , 미국은 12% 에 불과합니다 . 메모리 반도체와 비메모리 반도체를 모두 생산하는 파운드리에서는 한국과 대만의 강점이 매우 큽니다 . 한국은 삼성전자 , SK 하이닉스 , 대만에서 tsmc 가 파운드리 산업의 큰 비중을 차지하고 있습니다 . 마지막으로 , 일본은 Chip4 국가이며 , 일본은 반도체 핵심 소재 장비 분야에서 특별한 강점을 가지고 있습니다 . Chip...

Biden's Chip4 Alliance: What is South Korea's position? Jeongmin Yoon, ESG Intern, American University

     The Korean government is in trouble because of the Chip4 alliance. President Biden of the United States signed a $280 billion bill for the alliance and is now determined to push semiconductors in earnest. The creating the alliance to keep China in check. The Republic of Korea proposed joining Chip4, and initially said it would attend the preliminary meeting, but they later drew a line, saying that the Republic of Korea has not decided to join. The U.S. says “Korea, do you want to join Chip4 or not? So let's talk about what the Chip4 alliance is and how the Republic of Korea has no choice but to join or have a conflict between the United States and China. What position should Korea take between these two countries? The answer is obvious.” Chip4, the de facto technology alliance that the United States is envisioning, stands for semiconductor, and 4 stands for the United States, South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan , the countries the US hopes will join the alliance ...

THE FLIGHT OF BANKS By Sari Lesk, Milwaukee Business Journal. Comments and summary by Creative Investment Research

NOTE: We spoke with this reporter on Nov 30, 2021, This article was published almost a year later, on Oct. 21, 2022. A related article* published in the New York Times on the same day, 10/21/22, seemed to reflect our comments and research.   Morgan Phelps  faced a business conundrum in the summer of 2020. Phelps is the founder of Colorful Connections, a Milwaukee firm that helps businesses attract and retain diverse employees. She formed her business model in 2017 while working in the communications industry. After completing accelerator programs, such as through BizStarts and gener8tor, Phelps took Colorful Connections live in fall 2019. Although demand slowed at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Colorful Connections faced a new problem after the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. That event energized calls for racial justice and equity across the country. Phelps suddenly had a rush of clients, but the cash flow from that work wouldn’t come u...

CNBC Disruptor 50 Notes : Disruptive innovation and Black Maternal Mortality. Jeongmin Yoon, ESG Intern, American University

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, many people took the supply chain for granted. In fact, most people didn’t think of logistics at all. But as the host of the CNBC Disruptor 50 Event and webinar said, the future of disruption must be more diverse, which is developing the next generation of disruptors. The three megatrends of digital transformation, healthcare innovation, and sustainability offer tremendous potential.  I thought all three disruptors were related to Black maternality . Digital transformation and innovation are associated with remote healthcare and sustainability. As digital transformation develops, you can be treated remotely without having to go to the hospital, and medical innovation will also enable you to treat patients more efficiently. Sustainability will also help solve food problems caused by climate change, which will cause fewer people to suffer from a lack of nutrition. Both factors are related to Black maternal mortality.

2022 WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON HUNGER, NUTRITION, AND HEALTH: REVIEW AND TAKEAWAYS. Jeongmin Yoon and Matt Weinstock, ESG Interns, American University

  Overview The 2022 White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health presented an opportunity for efforts directed toward ending hunger to return to the forefront of America's collective public conscience (and we are here for it). Creative Investment Research is ready to work with the current White House administration, Congress, and a wide array of stakeholders to decrease hunger in this country.  In particular, Creative Investment Research believes that high rates of malnourishment  among pregnant Black women needs to be more of a priority. We strongly urge a comprehensive approach, one that includes various federal, state, and local policymakers, as well as members of the anti-hunger, health, and private sector. Additionally, Creative Investment Research believes that people who have actually  experienced hunger are currently underrepresented among policymakers. Discussions on how to reduce hunger in America should be led by people who had limited access ...