In an article originally posted on the Street Insight section of on 5/2/2006 at 12:15 AM EST, we made the case that Wal-Mart was becoming socially responsible. We said, "The firm's poor reputation no longer matches the new corporate reality." Recent events confirm this perception: According to the Chicago Sun Times , "As the Obama administration begins investing billions in health information technology, Wal-Mart plans to use its unrivaled size to bring high-tech medical records to U.S. physicians. In recent years Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, has used its buying power to move into health care markets, negotiating steep discounts for prescription drugs and eye care products." Having completed an in depth analysis of the massive $787 billion dollar Stimulus Bill, we believe this is a stunning and strategic move that bodes well for the company's stock. Our analysis reveals that, of all the publicly traded companies in the US, Wal-M...