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Showing posts from December, 2022

Jan 6th Report Summary...

1.  Trump knew he was likely to lose and planned to declare victory. 2.  Trump knew he lost but declared victory anyway.  3.  Trump publicized claims of electoral fraud knowing they were false.   4.  Trump promoted people to publicly lie for him. 5.  Trump made several efforts to overturn the election results. 6.  Trump pressured state officials to alter the election outcome. 7.  Trump tried to use the Dept of Justice to intimidate state election officials. 8.  Trump oversaw a scheme to create fake Electoral College representatives.  9.  Trump pressured the vice-president not to count the electoral votes. 10.  The person who devised the VP plan knew it was illegal. 11.  Trump encouraged armed supporters to stop the certification procedure. 12.  Trump's call to violence was successful. 13.  The vice-president and his security detail feared for their lives. 14.  After the fa...

Wells Fargo Consent Decree Average Penalty: $336 Per Account

According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Wells Fargo Bank (WFB) "incorrectly applied loan payments, erroneously imposed certain fees and charges, incorrectly repossessed customers' vehicles, and failed to refund certain unearned fees on debt cancellation products; (ii) with respect to home mortgage servicing, incorrectly denied mortgage loan modifications to certain qualified borrowers; and (iii) with respect to consumer deposit accounts, improperly froze or closed customer accounts, improperly charged certain overdraft fees, and did not always waive monthly account service fees consistent with its disclosures." While CFPB claims to have fined WFB $3.7 billion, a review of the consent order released by the Agency reveals several discrepancies. The average penalty per account totaled $252.35 excluding penalties for mortgage servicing errors. These mortgage errors, while substantially higher, applied to fewer than 3.500 accounts. According to the CFPB, ...

Gen Z Discussion at the Italian Embassy. Jeongmin Yoon, ESG Intern, American University.

On November 29, the Italian Embassy held a live broadcast on Gen Z's Habits and Tech Tools. (Gen Z begins around 1997 and ends around 2010, so as of 2020, the Generation Z age range is roughly between 10 and 23 years old. Many of the oldest members of Gen Z now make up a significant portion of the workforce. Generation Z is the largest generation in American history and constitutes 27 percent of the country's population.) During the broadcast, a speaker discussed Gen Z's SMS (texting) and consumption habits. (SMS stands for Short Message/Messaging Service, a text messaging service component of most modern cell phones.) The speaker said that she uses SMS with the personality of a prosumer. While Gen Z is emerging as a consumer in various fields, members are actively engaged in professional activities by proudly stating their needs to companies and directly participating in product planning beyond simply consuming what they term "good products." The term "Prosu...