Fiscal Forum: “The Political Economy of High Debt” IMF, April 19, 2015. L to R: David Wessel, Maria Luís Albuquerque, Christine Lagarde, Helen Clark, Joaquim Levy. I was at the IMF yesterday with a bunch of rich white people ( @ Lagarde @ HelenClarkUNDP @ davidmwessel ) when the subject of poor people came up. Of course, as they do with Black people, rich white people claim to know everything there is to know about the poor. I think their main fear is that poor people will want the same deal that Goldman Sachs got, or the deal JP Morgan got, or the deal the " London Whale " or the LIBOR manipulators got. This fear is borne of a certain selfishness and greed. It is, also, completely wrong, so I took the time to tell them what I think. Here is what we want: 1. Water. Not privatized water systems. Access to clean water. 2. Food. Not GMO degraded, just clean food. 3. Shelter. Not subprime loans, but shelter. 4. Peace. Not the opportunit...
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