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Showing posts from November, 2013

Hearing on Fossil Fuel Divestment

The video below is of testimony before the DC City Council on the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act of 2013. The bill requires "the divestment, and prohibit(s) the investment, of public funds in the stocks, securities, or other obligations of certain companies which hold the largest fossil fuel reserves and..provide(s) for the identification of companies with the largest fossil fuel reserves." As a recent Forbes  article  noted, investor concerns about fossil fuels are growing. Related articles Yale students vote in favour of fossil fuels divestment Fossil Fuel Divestment Dominos Argument Against Divestment Dutch town first in Europe to plan fossil fuel divestment

Article on Community Lending from today's American Banker

Fintech for Underbanked: The Next M&A Hot Spot? by   Robert Barba NOV 7, 2013 5:06pm ET Think the onset of consumer protections laws stymied M&A for companies who serve the underbanked ? You're wrong. Between July 2012 and June 2013, there were 85 investment banking transactions involving companies in the financial technology and specialty lending realms that focus on consumers with low-to-moderate incomes, according to a study released  Wednesday . The authors are the Center for Financial Services Innovation and Core Innovation Capital, a $50 million venture capital fund that specializes in the underbanked market. The data show the acquisitions, initial public offerings and equity investments had a combined value of $5.2 billion in capital. The study, which was sponsored by Morgan Stanley, was the authors' first on this topic, so it is unclear if the activity in the year leading up to  June 30  rose or fell from past years. That kind of assessment

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