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Showing posts from 2021

The Real Risk is not Inflation: it's Civil War

We note the Federal Reserve now expects to "end its pandemic-era bond purchases in March (2022) and pave the way for three quarter-percentage-point interest rate hikes by the end of 2022.."  While we agree the Fed is correct in observing that, for whites, "the economy no longer needs increasing amounts of policy support," specific sectors and demographics require ongoing support. The key skill of a central bank in the current environment is identifying these demographic sectors and providing targeted, non-inflationary support. There are a number of ways to do so, but, given the lack of relevant African American diversity on and at the Board, we do not expect the Fed to be familiar with these techniques. (We suggest they see our Maternal Mortality Reparation Facility for Black Women. ) We continue to believe that the recent inflation spike is due to fear and greed-based labor and supply chain disruptions resulting from the unprecedented and ongoing COVID crisis. This...

Regulators, Legislators and Marketplace Ethics

        The SEC defines insider trading as buying or selling a security in breach of a fiduciary duty or other relationship of trust and confidence, while in possession of material, nonpublic information about the security. Insider trading is not isolated to Wall Street and has increasingly become an issue on Capitol Hill and in regulatory agencies, like the Federal Reserve. A 2004 study examining common stock returns generated from 1993-1998 on equity held by US Senators found that a portfolio mimicking the purchases of Senators outperformed the market by 85 basis points each month. On the other hand, portfolios mimicking equity sales by Senators underperformed the market by 12 basis points each month. The study noted that these results “suggest Senators knew appropriate times to both buy and sell their common stock.” Congress is privy to nonpublic information obtained via briefings from regulatory agencies, other Congress people and trade associates. They have...

FDIC selling controlling stake in Black-owned bank. The American Banker Newspaper. By John Reosti. December 01, 2021

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. plans to auction off a controlling stake in Birmingham, Alabama-based Alamerica Bank on Wednesday, a move that could result in Alamerica passing out of minority ownership. While a preliminary bidder’s list included several large Black-owned banks, it also included some non-minority bidders. Founded in January 2000, the $15.4 million-asset Alamerica is the smallest of the 17 remaining Black-owned banks in the United States. According to William Michael Cunningham, CEO at Creative Investment Research and an authority on Black-owned banks, the FDIC-owned shares were used as security for a $4 million loan from Silverton Bank. They passed into the FDIC’s possession following Atlanta-based Silverton’s failure in May 2009. The FDIC “certainly has the right to do this,” Cunningham said Tuesday, but he called it troubling that Alamerica might wind up outside the minority banking sector as a result of the auction. “If Alamerica is no longer Black-owned, that c...


Pursuing some accountability, a Black economist  has  filed a petition with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to require companies to report on Black Lives Matter (BLM) pledges. The request by William Michael Cunningham, who runs Washington, D.C.-based Creative Investment Research, says data from his firm shows 251 U.S. companies promised to battle systemic racism within their own organizations. All told, Cunningham claims those companies pledged $65 billion to boost their diversity and equity initiatives from May 2020 to May 2021. Yet, to date, Cunningham maintains that $500 million has been allocated toward such efforts. Compared to $500 million, Cunningham  estimates  the commitments by now should be $15 billion to $20 billion based largely on damages Black companies have suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic. He says his projections are tied to the companies having combined profits of $750 billion as of 2019.

US. Bancorp and Union Bank/MUFG

Given changes in the social and economic environment, it is clear to us that the proposed merger between US. Bancorp and Union Bank is in serious trouble and should not, for reasons described below, be approved. (See: ) As with majority of large bank merger proposals over the past thirty years, the lead entity, in this case, US Bank, has claimed the transaction will provide significant social benefits. The bank stated the merger would “provide benefits for both customers and the communities served by the combined organization through improved technology, products and customer choice.” A review of bank mergers over the past forty years shows that this is untrue. There is no objective, fully independent data to support this contention. In fact, inequality has risen over the intervening years. Many merger opponents cite Covid-19 and the significant racial and economic divisions the virus revealed as re...

Oil Spills, Divestment and COP26. Ethan Li, American University

Just 13 inches of damage in a pipeline near California severely harmed the local wildlife and ecosystem, in addition to costing millions of dollars to cleanup. Oil spills are some of the most visible and consequently environmental issues. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill is still imprinted in the collective American consciousness, and it also carried with it some of the most severe fines in American history, with BP paying more than $60 billion in fines. Yet, with World leaders meeting to discuss environmental issues at COP26, how much has truly changed? The recent oil spill in California, while significantly less impactful than the Deepwater Oil Spill, offers a look changes over the last decade has brought.  Southern California’s troubles first started with an October 1 report of sheen on the water. Due to difficulties in recognizing this sheen at night, it was not until the morning of October 2nd that the Coast Guard, an Orange County Sheriff, and a Coast Guard supporting aircraft...

Corporate Social Responsibility in Texas?

On October 7th, during Tesla's annual shareholder meeting, company founder Elon Musk announced that he would be moving Tesla's headquarters from Palo Alto, California, to Austin, Texas. Reasons included a lack of space needed for the expansion of Tesla's Fremont factory and the high cost of living in the Bay area. Musk's decision makes his the latest in a line of companies leaving California for Texas, a list that includes Oracle Corp., Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co., and Charles Schwab. The Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office stated there has been a "tremendous increase" in interest. Since the pandemic began, the Office claims there are 37 relocation and expansion projects currently underway. Texas has made a significant effort to attract businesses from other states, using low taxes and minimal regulations as bait. Texas officials have promoted these “advantages” in ads highlighting their “free-market” environment and criticizing the "tax and ...

The Eight Commitments of Ethical Culture From the Philadelphia Ethical Society

  The Eight Commitments of Ethical Culture From the Philadelphia Ethical Society 1. Ethics Is Central - The most central human issue in our lives is creating a more humane environment. 2. Ethics Begins With Choice - Creating a more humane environment begins by affirming the need to make significant choices in our lives. 3. We Choose To Treat Each Other As Ends, Not Means - To enable us to be whole in a fragmented world, we choose to treat each other as unique individuals having intrinsic worth. 4. We Seek To Act With Integrity - Treating one another as ends requires that we learn to act with integrity. This includes keeping commitments, and being honest, open, caring and responsive. 5. We Are Committed To Educate Ourselves - Personal progress is possible, both in wisdom and social life. Learning how to build ethical relationships and cultivate a humane community is a life-long endeavor. 6. Self Reflection And Our Social Nature Require Us To Shape A More Humane World - Growth of the...

Social and Economic Impact of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) on Maternal Mortality

In a June, 2021 internal report by Creative Investment Research on the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and simple non-filer tools, we noted that the Biden Administration forecast the CTC would cut child poverty by half. For the first time since July’s CTC’s implementation, we have data that helps determine the impact of the initiative on both consumer spending and household stability. New research confirms CTC’s positive impact on U.S. social and economic activity. In an August 2021 report, the Niskanen Center forecast a $27 billion dollar increase, over the next 12 months, in consumer spending. They envisage this jump in spending will generate another $1.9 billion in revenue from state and local sales taxes.[1] Their forecast predicts an increase of 500,000 median wage level jobs. These are significant and positive impacts. In addition to elevated consumer spending, CTC will have significant positive impacts on low-to-middle income families. Developed under the American Rescue Plan to reduce c...

Black-Led SPAC Raises $126.5 Million, May Acquire Black, Minority-Owned Firms

According to an article in Black Enterprise Magazine, "William Michael Cunningham,  an economist who runs Washington, D.C.-based Creative Investment Research, says MEOA’s offering could prompt other investors to create new SPACs and venture capital funds to invest in Black companies. 'This is relevant because it may represent a new and significant source of capital that has not previously been available to Black and minority firms. If it works as intended, you could see billions in new startup and operational capital going to Black firms,' he says. He says the offering’s timing was perfect because of the increased attention on Back economic empowerment. That is fueled, he says, by the increased requirement corporations and investors are showing toward their commitment to doing business with Black firms." See: Black Enterprise Magazine. Exclusive: Black-Led SPAC Raises Colossal $126.5 Million, Set To Acquire Black, Minority-Owned Firms. Also s...

Aug. 26, 1996 - Bank Holding Companies. Docket Numbers R-0841, R-0701, and R-0932 Federal Reserve Board.

 August 26, 1996 (Revised & Resubmitted by Facsimile on August 28, 1996) Mr. William Wiles Secretary Federal Reserve Board 20th & Constitution Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20551 Dear Mr. Wiles: I am writing with respect to three proposals (Docket Numbers R-0841, R-0701, and R-0932) recently announced by the Federal Reserve Board. The Board, in a July 31, 1996 press release stated: "The Federal Reserve Board today requested comment on three proposals to modify the conditions under which section 20 subsidiaries of bank holding companies may underwrite and deal in securities. The first proposal would increase the amount of revenue that a section 20 subsidiary may derive from underwriting and dealing in securities from 10 percent to 25 percent of its total revenue. Comment on this proposal is requested by September 30, 1996. The second proposal would amend or eliminate three of the prudential limitations, or fire walls, imposed on the operations of the section 20 subsidiaries: ...


by  Jeffrey McKinney December 23, 2008. Black Enterprise Magazine. Three African American executives are trying to raise $50 million to create a black-owned bank holding company with some help from the federal government. The entity, MBF LP, would be designed to make capital investments in and own parts of new and existing black-owned U.S. banks, said William Michael Cunningham, senior investment adviser at Creative Investment Research Inc., a Washington D.C. firm specializing in minority banking. Cunningham, MBF general partner, said the company would be an equity fund based in Washington. The company has applied for bank holding company status and is seeking capital from the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).   Cunningham said MBF partners and management team members would include Elrick Williams, chairman and CEO of Allston Trading L.L.C., a Chicago-based firm that specializes in electronic trading of stocks, Treasury bonds and other ...


The Biden Administration now expects consumer prices to rise 4.8% in the fourth quarter of 2021. This follows July's 5.4% increase in consumer prices in advance of the Fed’s Jackson Hole conference. Our analysis suggests that the inflation spike is due to fear and greed-based labor and supply chain disruptions resulting from the unprecedented and ongoing COVID crisis. Thus, price increases are to be expected. The current pandemic is not fully comparable to earlier ones, given technology's role in facilitating the highly integrated nature of the global economy and the decline in ethical standards of business behavior, as evidenced by the prior occupant of the White House. The Fed is right to focus on inequality, now the greater risk, than it is on protecting the financial standing of a small group of mainly non-minority individuals and institutions. Given the above, we suggest the central bank modify monetary policy to resist price increase tactics by major industrial and financ...

IPCC report on Climate Change: Not Fair Enough

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group of United Nations (UN) scientists, "human activity is changing the climate in unprecedented and sometimes irreversible ways." The report "warns of increasingly extreme heatwaves, droughts and flooding, and a key temperature limit being broken in just over a decade."  The report's authors claim, that "it is unequivocal and indisputable that humans are warming the planet."  This is incorrect and reflects the lack of honesty in the discussion.  We stated, on February 5, 2015, in testimony to the Norwegian Ministry of Finance ( ) and on April 22, 2015 in testimony to the Government of the United Kingdom ( ): "As the market value of environmental, social and governance factors continues to grow, companies and investment managers ...

“Equality of Opportunity in Action: Addressing Maternal Healthcare Disparities" Andrew Taber, Impact Investing Analyst, Edited by William Michael Cunningham

On July 28, 2021, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce held  a webinar titled “Equality of Opportunity in Action: Addressing Maternal Healthcare Disparities”, discussing racial gaps in maternal health outcomes and the proposed Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act.  Maternal mortality rates are critically high in the United States, and problematically, higher for minority groups due to various social and structural inequities. Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that Black women are much more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than white women. In fact, if childbirth as a Black woman were an occupation, it would be the 5th deadliest job in America.  The first part of the webinar featured Congresswoman Lauren Underwood, a nurse instructor and Representative with a background in healthcare policy. She emphasized that the majority of maternal deaths are preventable, but that this persistent and withstanding crisis has been problematically ...

Biden Fixing Uneven, Unfair Economic Policies

On Friday, July 9, 2021, "President Biden signed a sweeping executive order..intended to increase competition within the nation’s economy and to limit corporate dominance, factors the White House says have led to higher prices and fewer choices for consumers while dampening pay and restricting the freedom to change jobs." Mr. Biden noted that “What we’ve seen over the past few decades is less competition and more concentration that holds our economy back..rather than competing for consumers, they are consuming their competitors. Rather than competing for workers, they’re finding ways to gain the upper hand on labor.” This order synchs to several issues we identified in Amicus Briefs filed in Federal appeals and lower courts: September, 2018 - Amicus Brief in Net Neutrality Case (18-cv-1051) As we noted in that brief, eliminating net neutrality lowers income for ...

US SIF FORUM 2021 - Reflection by Alice Gabidoulline, Impact Investing Intern

At the beginning of 2020, $16.6 trillion in US-domiciled ESG assets were held by 530 institutional investors, 384 money managers and 1,204 community investment institutions. Since 1995, the US SIF Foundation finds that sustainable investments have increased at a compound annual growth rate of 14 percent. This data proves that the financial landscape is rapidly moving toward impact investing. As a student of finance curious about the markets and how I can make a difference, I turned to the US SIF FORUM 2021 to learn more.  Over the week of June 14th - 18th, 2021, I attended the US SIF FORUM 2021 as a Peter DeSimone Scholar. The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment conference brings together leaders of the sustainable and impact investing community to learn about approaches, trends and policy developments in the field.  This year’s conference featured 60+ speakers in 25+ sessions with topics ranging from racial justice to ESG disclosure. Additionally, the event inclu...