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Showing posts from October, 2015

Obama Turns to Crowdfunding to Aid Fleeing Syrians: NYT

As the New York Times reported, "Syrian refugees continue to flee the violence at home,  President Obama  is turning to the modern tools of Silicon Valley entrepreneurship as a supplement to the more traditional means of humanitarian relief. At the request of officials from the White House Office of Digital Strategy, the crowdfunding website Kickstarter has begun its first  social service campaign  aimed at raising money for the  United Nations  refugee agency on behalf of Syrian refugees." Here is my talk 10/7 on NPR's  Press Play with Madeleine Brand: " Host Madeleine Brand looks at news, culture and emerging trends through the lens of Los Angeles, weekdays at noon." How effective is this? They raised $700,000 in six hours. Six hours. For more, visit the links below. 10/07/world/middleeast/obama- turns-to-crowdfun...