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Showing posts from April, 2023

2023 年世界銀行春季会合 (4 月 10 ~ 16 日) の出席したイベントの概要:

  気候ファイナンスとエネルギー安全保障: このイベントは、政府と民間部門の両方による気候変動対策の重要性を強調しました。 講演者は、特に開発途上国にとって、環境に優しい政策への移行と新興企業への気候資金調達の支援における財政的課題について議論しました。 MDB がサポートする民間部門の畜産事業: 議論は、産業畜産業が気候変動と食糧不安に及ぼす影響を中心に展開されました。 このイベントは、伝統的な農法を再考し、畜産と農業の見過ごされている側面に対処する必要性を探りました。 新しい経済フォーラム- AI の大きなジレンマ: このイベントでは、AIに関連するリスクを理解し、管理しながら、ビジネスに組み込むことの重要性が強調されました。 パネリストは、進化する世界で効率を確保するためのバランスの取れたアプローチの必要性を強調しました。 気候変動にとらわれず安定した水の確保のための資金調達: このイベントは、特にタジキスタンに重点を置いて、衛生的な水の確保への課題に焦点を当てました。 参加者は、水関連の問題に対処するための潜在的な解決策と行動について議論しました。 東アジアと太平洋地域における気候変動への適応の必要性: 議論は、ハイチ、フィジー、インドネシアなどの国に対する気候変動の影響を中心に展開されました。 これらの地域の気候変動に対処するために設計された財政的課題とプロジェクトが調査されました。 記者発表会 - G-20: G-20 の議長国のインドは、今後の課題について発展的な話し合いをできるように進めていきたいと述べていました。 包摂的で持続可能なサプライチェーンへのインセンティブ: 企業パネリストは、持続可能な供給連鎖を確保するために近年の動向について議論しました。 サプライチェーンを持続可能なものとするためには、環境への配慮が必要なだけでなく労働者の労働条件への考慮や彼らの能力を飛躍させる機会を提供することが非常に重要であることを強調しました。 IMFミッション・チーフのラニル・サルガドと日本の報道陣のためのメディア・ラウンドテーブル: 円卓会議では、円卓会議では、日銀の総裁交代に伴う変化の可能性、つまり金利、高齢化社会への影響、日本経済の将来の発展等について取り上げられました。

Summary of the IMF/World Bank Spring Meeting 2023 (April 10-16). Ayumi Mori, Seikei University, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, Japan.

Climate Finance and Energy Security:  The event emphasized the importance of climate action by both governments and the private sector. Speakers discussed the financial challenges, especially for developing countries, in transitioning to environmentally friendly policies and supporting climate financing for start-ups. A speaker from Rwanda argued that these changes require lots of financial resources, which are harder to come by for developing countries.   MDB-supported Private Sector Livestock Operations:  The discussion revolved around the impact of industrial livestock operations on climate change and food insecurity. The event explored the need to reconsider traditional farming methods and to address overlooked aspects of livestock and farming. New Economy Forum: The Great AI Dilemma:  The event highlighted the importance of incorporating AI into businesses while also understanding and managing the risks involved. Panelists emphasized the need for a bal...

Bridging the Racial Wealth Gap: The Role of Black-Owned Banks and Financial Institutions

In recent years, Creative Investment Research has delved into various initiatives and strategies aimed at tackling economic disparities and promoting financial inclusion. In 2022, CEO William Michael Cunningham released a book examining the unique challenges faced by minority-owned businesses in accessing financial resources and support ( Thriving As a Minority-Owned Business in Corporate America: Building a Pathway to Success for Minority Entrepreneurs 1st ed. Edition ). In an article, we explored the development of a maternal health financing facility for the United States, which aims to improve maternal health outcomes by channeling investments into this crucial sector. Continuing our examination of initiatives to address financial inequality, another article we published in the American Banker Newspaper suggested the creation of a liquidity pool by the Federal Reserve to support Black banks, which brings us to the establishment of the Bank of Jabez , Iowa's first Black-owned ...

아시아 여성 학부생의 세계은행 및 IMF 행사 참여

  저는 아시아 여성이자 경제학을 전공하고 있는 대학생으로써 2023년 4월 9일부터 16일까지 워싱턴 디씨에서 열린 IMF와 World Bank에서 공동 주최한 Spring Meetings 2023에 참여하였습니다. 이번 이벤트는 전 세계 경제가 직면한 중요한 문제들을 다루기 위해 여러 나라에서 온 전문가들이 모인 큰 규모의 행사였습니다. World Bank 회장인 David Malpass와 Bank of Korea 이창용 총재도 자리하였습니다. 저는 일주일동안 세계 각국의 경제를 다루는 세션을 중점적으로 총 8개의 이벤트와 IMF에서 주최한 3번의 Happy hour를 참여하였습니다.  우선, 다양한 나라에서 온 전문가들과 대화를 나누는 것은 큰 선물이었습니다. 서로 다른 문화와 관점을 가진 경제학자들끼리 만나서 생각을 나누는 것은 새로운 아이디어와 새로운 관점을 얻을 수 있는 좋은 기회였습니다. 이를 통해 경제 상황 뿐만 아니라 경제와 관련된 환경 문제, 노동자의 인권 문제, 젠더 갈등 문제 등을 국제적인 시각으로 문제를 바라볼 수 있었습니다. 또한, 이번 이벤트에서는 세계적인 문제들에 대해 다양한 접근 방식과 해결책이 제시되었습니다. 전 세계 경제의 안정성과 지속 가능성에 대한 논의가 진행되었으며, 경제적으로 취약한 지역들을 돕기 위한 방안들도 제시되었습니다. 또한 여성 인권과 지구 온난화와 관련된 문제를 경제적으로 분석하고 해결책을 심도 있게 논의하였습니다. 이를 통해 전 세계 경제가 직면한 문제들에 대해 보다 깊이 있게 이해할 수 있었으며, 이를 해결하기 위한 방법들을 생각해볼 수 있었습니다. 마지막으로, 이번 Spring meetings 2023 이벤트는 IMF와 World Bank라는 세계에서 가장 큰 경제기구 두 곳이 주최한 것이었습니다. 이는 저에게 경제 분야에서의 네트워크를 확장할 수 있는 기회를 제공해주었습니다. 전 세계에서 일하는 경제학자들과 연결되어 서로의 커리어에 도움이 될 수 있을 것입니다. 이번 이벤트는 저에게 큰...

Perspectives of an Asian Female Undergraduate on Attending the 2023 World Bank and IMF Meetings. Jeongmin Yoon, American University.

As an intern at Creative Investment Research and an Asian woman pursuing an undergraduate degree in economics, I had the privilege of attending the Spring Meetings 2023 organized by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in Washington, DC, from April 9 to 16, 2023. The event convened experts from around the world to address pressing global economic issues. Notable attendees included World Bank Chairman David Malpass and Bank of Korea President Lee Chang-yong. Over the course of a week, I participated in eight events and three networking sessions, discussions regarding the global economy. First, engaging in conversations with economic experts, including high-ranking professionals from various countries, was an invaluable experience for me. The exchange of ideas among economists with diverse cultural backgrounds and perspectives provided unique insights and fresh outlooks. Consequently, I gained a broader understanding of not only the economic landscape but also its int...

Youthful Insights: A Young African Professional's Experience at the World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings. Ntsetselelo Dlamini, Intern, Skidmore College.

As a young African professional, immersing myself in the World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings was a remarkable and enlightening experience. My internship at Creative Investment Research in Washington DC allowed me to attend these meetings in person, providing me with invaluable insights into the global economy and a connection to my African roots. I had the opportunity to attend several significant events focused on the African continent: On Tuesday, 11 April 2023, I participated in the discussion on "Challenges and Opportunities in the Rollout of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement." This event emphasized the importance of collaboration among African leaders to ensure the successful implementation of this historic agreement and unlock its full potential. On Wednesday, 12 April 2023, I attended "Political and Economic Reforms in the Extractive Sector as a Catalyst to African Development." This event addressed the pressing issue of human rights within the Afr...

Impact of Credit Rating Agencies on Development Finance in Africa. 14 April 2023. Ntsetselelo Dlamini, Intern, Skidmore College.

  In the backdrop of the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings, the Brookings Africa Growth Initiative (AGI), AfriCatalyst and the UNDP’s Africa Bureau hosted a high level panel discussion about the impact of credit ratings on African development. Panelists included Ghana’s Minister of Finance Ofori-Atta, Senegal’s Minister of Economic Planning Oulimata Sarr and the President of the Eastern and Southern Africa Trade and Development Bank Admassu Tadesse. At the IMF/World Bank Meeting in 2017 , Economist and Creative Investment Research CEO William Michael Cunningham raised concerns about discrimination and misadjusted risk attitudes towards the continent. It is encouraging to see that this conversation is finally receiving the attention it deserves. The panelists agreed that there is a need for reform in credit rating agencies' relationship with African sovereign states. They also highlighted the severe consequences of downgrades in credit ratings on African countries, hindering much-...

The Fed Should Create a Liquidity Pool Dedicated to Black-owned Banks

Recent developments in the banking sector have not only been marked by failing institutions but also by significant activity among Black-owned banks. A Black-led investor group's plan to acquire a bank in Utah is just one unexpected example, accompanied by the emergence of four proposed or newly identified Black banks and three credit unions. This surge in activity over the past three months exceeds what we've observed in the last decade. The growth in potential Black banks and credit unions may be attributable to the $70 billion pledged by foundations and corporations for racial reconciliation efforts following the George Floyd incident. Despite these developments, the long-term presence of Black banks and credit unions remains limited, with only 21 Black banks and 33 Black credit unions in existence. Even with recent proposals for new Black-owned banks and credit unions, their overall impact remains minimal due to their small numbers. In 2019, I highlighted that banking regu...

A Comprehensive Approach to Mass Shootings

  Here's a comprehensive approach to mass shootings: Tax guns and ammo proportional to their potential harm. Higher for high-capacity firearms or large quantities of ammo. Special tax on individuals who own more than 5 guns. Revenue used for gun safety education, mental health and law enforcement. GPS locator requirement: require all new firearms to be equipped with a GPS locator, including 3D printed guns. Older guns must be retrofitted to be legal. Track lost or stolen firearms, monitor the movement of guns in high-risk areas. Privacy addressed by limiting access to this information. As part of this, credit card companies should track sales of firearms and ammunition. Insurance requirement: all gun owners must have liability insurance to cover potential damages caused.  Universal background checks: Implement comprehensive background checks for all firearm purchases, including private sales and gun shows.  Mandatory waiting period. Allow family members and law enfor...

Maternal Health Financing Facility for Black Women: A Solution to an Urgent Problem

Maternal mortality is a significant issue in the United States, with Black women disproportionately affected. Research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shown that Black women are more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than their white counterparts. However, the issue is not new, and despite the increasing amount of data available, the disparities have remained unaddressed for far too long.  Creative Investment Research (CIR) is among the organizations that believe there is a solution to the problem. Through our proposed impact investing vehicle , the Maternal Health Financing Facility for Black Women (MHFFBW), we aim to tackle the mortality gap and support Black women during childbirth, which will, in turn, benefit their communities. The Facility, based on legally binding financing agreements containing terms and conditions that direct resources to individuals and institutions capable of addressing supply-side conditions at the heart...

The Global Inflection Point Index: A New Era Defined by Societal, Environmental, and Economic Challenges

  Recent years have seen a profound shift in various aspects of our world, ranging from societal values and environmental concerns to economic and political dynamics. We believe this points to an inflection point in the global landscape. Several crucial factors are converging, prompting a need for urgent collective action. Below we describe our Global Inflection Point Index that captures the essence of these changes. The Global Inflection Point Index ( ) The Global Inflection Point Index (GIPI) is a novel metric encompassing six key factors. These factors include attitudes toward racial equality, global warming, inequality in corporate systems, the rise of cryptocurrencies, political instability, and the Covid-19 pandemic. Each of these factors has been assigned a numerical value based on specific data sources or time series to create a comprehensive index that represents the combined effect of these influences. Key Findings Our analysis reveals a dis...

"Thriving As a Minority-Owned Business in Corporate America" by William Michael Cunningham

"Thriving As a Minority-Owned Business in Corporate America" by William Michael Cunningham is a guidebook for minority entrepreneurs on how to build successful businesses in the corporate world. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique challenges faced by minority-owned businesses, including racism and discrimination, and provides strategies for overcoming them. The key ideas and arguments presented in the book include the importance of developing a solid business plan, building a network of supportive individuals, finding financing, and navigating the corporate landscape. The book also highlights the benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and how minority entrepreneurs can use their differences to create a competitive advantage. The chapter titles of the book are as follows: Introduction Starting Your Business Developing Your Business Plan Finding Financing Building a Network Navigating the Corporate Landscape Diversity and Inclusion in t...