The Responsible Business Summit West will challenge 250+ CEOs, sustainability leaders, Investors, Government representatives and NGOs to show how they’re going to leverage new technologies and investments to deliver the blueprint for the future economy – over two days you will learn how to move from dialogue to action on the key opportunities that lie ahead. Grasping the chance presented whilst simultaneously responding to investor demand to be more transparent on ESG related risks is no straightforward task. Keynote speakers include: o Assistant Secretary-General, UN Environment o President & CEO, Oxfam America o President & General Counsel, DSM North America o President, CDP North America o President & CEO, Fairtrade USA o Executive Vice President and Group President, Sempra Energy o Chief Environment Officer, Microsoft o Chief Sustainability Officer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise o Chief Sustainability Officer, FedEx
A blog on ESG, impact investing and socially responsible investing. Archive in sidebar at left. (Click on the 3 lines).