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Showing posts from August, 2023

Black America Should Apply for Membership in BRICS

In a world that constantly evolves and redefines the dynamics of power and influence, the time has come for African Americans to explore innovative avenues that can bolster their collective progress. One such opportunity lies in seeking membership within the BRICS alliance – a coalition of emerging economies that has reshaped global diplomacy and economic dynamics. By advocating for African American inclusion in BRICS, we can pave the way for enhanced socio-economic empowerment, representation, and collaboration on an international scale. BRICS, comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, represents a formidable force in the global arena. This group brings together nations that share common challenges and aspirations, including a desire to break free from historical patterns of cultural dominance. The potential benefits for African Americans to engage with BRICS are significant and multifaceted: 1. Economic Empowerment: The BRICS economies contribute significantly to t

Before the Emergence of BRICS: Non-Aligned Movements and Unity. Gregory Savioz-Buck, University of Sherbrooke, Canada.

BRICS refers to the economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China, enlarged in 2010 with addition of South Africa to the predecessor BRIC. Before the emergence of the BRICS, there were several non-aligned movements and groups formed in response to the Cold War and a desire to maintain sovereignty.  These coalitions were born out of the preference to remain independent, steering clear of aligning with major superpowers during the Cold War. These movements sought to safeguard their national interests, maintain self-determination, and forge a path distinct from the ideological struggles of the era. Here are a few examples: Non-Aligned Movement (NAM): The most prominent and well-known non-aligned group was the Non-Aligned Movement, founded in 1961. It consisted of newly independent countries from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The NAM aimed to remain neutral in the Cold War conflicts and promoted peaceful coexistence, decolonization, and economic cooperation among member sta

Fearless Fund Lawsuit part of a disturbing trend

This complex tale of systemic inequality pivots around a recent legal clash. The American Alliance for Equal Rights (AAER), founded by a conservative activist instrumental in the U.S. Supreme Court’s June decision rejecting affirmative action, has taken aim at an Atlanta-based venture capital fund: the Fearless Fund. This fund stands as a vital force in supporting Black women-owned small businesses, providing them a platform for growth and empowerment. Notably, the Fearless Fund has also backed African American-owned enterprises like Capway, as they venture into the competitive fintech space. See:

Reaction to the Montana Youth Climate Case. Jeongmin Yoon, ESG Intern, Incheon National University.

In a landmark climate case, a group of young people in Montana secured a significant legal victory when a judge ruled that the state's failure to consider climate change impacts when approving fossil fuel projects was unconstitutional. The ruling comes amidst a summer of extreme heat and wildfires, highlighting the urgency of addressing climate change. This decision marks a turning point in the fight against government support for oil, gas, and coal industries, which contribute to global warming. The court found that the plaintiffs, representing a range of ages from 5 to 22, have a constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment that includes climate considerations. Montana must now factor in climate change when making decisions about fossil fuel projects. As a young person and a Korean, I'm deeply concerned about the global impacts of climate change. The Montana case is not only a victory for the young plaintiffs but also a message to governments worldwide about thei

BRICS Summit 2023: Navigating the Transformation of Global Finance

Recent developments in the global financial landscape have captured the attention of the finance world, promising a new era of integration, transformation, and collaboration. Amidst the excitement, however, it is essential to acknowledge the formidable obstacles that stand in the way of realizing these ambitions. The 2023 BRICS Summit , slated to convene amidst this shifting landscape, is poised to be a significant juncture that could have profound implications for the future of international finance. The resurgence of Bitcoin, marked by an impressive, if smaller, year-to-date price surge, has underscored its enduring relevance. Similar concerns surround the exploration of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The UK's digital pound initiative, while forward-looking, raises questions about stability, security, and privacy and potential economic power imbalances. The notion of a BRICS digital currency, potentially extended to include several countries, reflects a desire to chall

Easy Ways to Make Your Podcast Better. Gregory Savioz-Buck, Intern, University of Sherbrooke, Canada.

When it comes to creating an impactful podcast, quality equipment is key. Microphones and cameras are the unsung heroes that can make your content truly shine. Microphones capture the essence of your voice, turning your words into captivating stories. Whether you are going for the warm tones of a condenser microphone or the crisp clarity of a dynamic one, choosing the right microphone can enhance the listener experience and draw them into the recording room. Cameras, on the other hand, add a visual dimension to your podcast. Video podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, allowing your audience to see the faces behind the voices. A well-framed shot and good lighting can create a professional look that resonates with your listeners. However, it is not just about having the fanciest equipment. Understanding how to use your gear effectively is equally important. Proper microphone placement and camera angles can impact the overall quality of your podcast.