(The article below was published on Marketplace. We have edited the piece to reflect our comments.) "Buy low, sell high.” We’ve all heard the adage before. But investing in the stock market can be a big step. It can be confusing — even daunting — and the terms can make it feel like inside baseball. So here are some basics to know about investing in the stock market before jumping in feet first. You don’t need a lot of money to invest in the stock market. While you should make sure your finances are healthy before investing, William Michael Cunningham, an investment adviser and CEO of Creative Investment Research, said directly purchasing stock from a company can be done with as little as $25 by buying a fractional share. (For more, https://www.moneycrashers.com/buy-stocks-without-broker/ ). ..Investing in funds, as opposed to individual stocks, is a good way for beginners to get started. A mutual fund is a collection of investments in one portfolio account. The mutual ...
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